

Specialized Program GVC MBA for Incheon International Airport Corporation launched for the first time in Korea
Date: 2020-08-24  |  Read: 684

Yonsei University Graduate School of Business began offering in February Korea’s first Global Value Creator (GVC) MBA, a specialized program for executives and employees of Incheon International Airport Corporation (IIAC). Enrollees will attend a full day of courses on Saturdays for two years to earn the 45 course credits necessary for the MBA degree.


[Left · Kil-Soo Suh, dean of the YSB, Right · Koo Bonhwan CEO of Incheon Airport]

The airport corporation selected YSB from among several competing institutions to create and implement the program based on YSB’s education and research capabilities, global reputation, curriculum composition, experience, and successful record in creating specialized programs that mesh with companies’ and industries’ specific needs.

To prepare for the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and respond to rapid changes in information technology, the GVC program aims to foster global and creative talents who will lead the innovation in future airport construction by focusing on four points: the capability to develop smart airports using IT and big data; the ability to innovate through management problem-solving projects; promotion of entrepreneurship through understanding ventures and startups; and development of  extensive global competence.


[Left · il Im GVC Professor, Right · Jinwoo Kim Professor]

"Investment in education is a springboard for future corporate growth," said Kil-Soo Suh, dean of the Yonsei University Graduate School of Business. "We applaud IIAC for its investment in education to enhance its global competitiveness. The Yonsei Graduate School of Business will ensure that the GVC MBA nurtures innovative-driven talents who will be responsible for the future of Incheon International Airport as the best international airport in the airport and aviation industry."


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