

Yonsei MBA, Feature in the Global Rankings by the Financial Times and The Economist
Date: 2021-02-22  |  Read: 848

The full-time GMBA (Global MBA) and the part-time EMBA (Executive MBA) and programs from Yonsei University Graduate School of Business have both gained the international spotlight among the world's top 100 MBA programs, with the GMBA at 81st in the rankings compiled by The Economist and the EMBA ranked 25th by the Financial Times. Both publications are based in London.


As the only university in South Korea whose part-time and full-time programs are both in the world's top 100 MBA rankings, YSB continues to play a leading role in establishing a global standard for business education.


¡í GMBA ranked 81st by the The Economist.


The GMBA is the only Korean program listed by The Economist in its "World's Top 100 Full-Time MBA" rankings that were released on January 22, 2021.


The Economist's evaluation metrics include open new career opportunities, personal development and educational experience, salary, and potential to network.


As a one-and-a-half-year full-time MBA program offered entirely in English and led by the motto "Learn Business in a Global Way, Lead Business in the Asian Way," the Yonsei Global MBA is organized to meet global standards while reinforcing Asian-related educational content. A central theme is to develop students' competencies to solve real-world business problems by encouraging them to participate regularly in international case competitions and in courses that represent a global perspective in terms of both problems and opportunities.


To cultivate creative thinkers who will be competitive in an era of sustainability, Yonsei Global MBA has been nurturing diversity within the program by annually admitting more than 60 percent of its new students from more than 15 countries while simultaneously maintaining a high admission ratio of female students. Graduation requirements also include community service.


To further strengthen and reinforce the global aspects of the MBA program, Yonsei also operates dual-degree programs with Washington University in the U.S. and Peking University in China. In addition, starting this year, the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Stuart School of Business in the U.S., which emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, has established a two-year dual-degree program through which participants can obtain not only a Yonsei MBA degree but also a master's degree in either Marketing Analytics, Sustainable and Environmental Management, or Finance.


Students enrolled in the GMBA also can receive professional career development coaching through the YSB career development center, which offers one-on-one development coaching, workshops, and career development-related courses. In 2020, despite the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the career development center was still able to involve external human resources experts and career development consultants in conducting online and offline career development coaching and counseling programs to support GMBA and other students.



¡í EMBA ranked 25th by the Financial Times


'The release of the EMBA’s ranking on October 26, 2020, marked the program’s continued rise on the Financial Times’ list, climbing to 25th, nine places from its 34th place on the list in 2019. The part-time program for CEOs, executives, and senior managers operates every other weekend. Its curriculum is designed to nurture creative and ethical leadership while fostering international perspectives and diversity awareness. Among the diverse courses of the program, “Action Learning” is Yonsei EMBA’s unique curriculum that encourages application of creative ideas to actual business situations.


As part of this course, program participants select existing or future strategic tasks in their field, seek solutions with help from their designated professors as well as experts in the chosen fields, and then develop new strategic directions on their own. The focus and extensive research required in addition to the coursework involved is sufficient to prepare students to start their own businesses—as some of them have. Graduates have succeeded in commercializing various blockchain-based network solution companies, a domestic and foreign musical investment company, a smart reservation payment system, a COVID-19 quarantine certification system, and a craft beer specialty store.


In the determination of the rankings, the EMBA achieved high ratings for its systematic curriculum in corporate social responsibility (CSR). The program’s Global Field Trip, which is conducted at partner business schools and local global companies in the U.S., Spain, and China, is another distinctive feature of various global market training program designed to help participants develop the necessary insights and skills to thrive and compete in an era of inclusive capitalism. 

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