

Students and Alumni Expand Networking by Sharing Different Cultures...2019 Yonsei GMBA International Night
Date: 2019-08-22  |  Read: 1,141

The 2019 Yonsei GMBA International Night drew students and alumni from 13 nationalities to the MBA Surinarae Lounge in the Business building in late May.



Soon-Hong Min, associate dean of the YSB, told the group, "The motto of Yonsei University is ‘Yonsei, where we make history,' and the motto of global MBA is 'Yonsei GMBA, where we make tradition,'" and encouraged the students with “Let’s all celebrate that Global MBA students consistently exhibit good performance.”



Professor Guiral Andres, who attended the event for the first time, said "I hope this event will be a meaningful experience for students to socialize and promote themselves,” and noted he would like to attend this event every year.

Allyce Best, president of the Class of 2020 (entering class of 2018), welcomed the students and the 10 alumni — some of whom were visiting their alma mater for the first time in a while —  saying, “This event is an opportunity to introduce and interact with each country's culture, music, and food.”



With Nicholas Kaae Rasmussen, Class of 2020 vice president, officiating, participants introduced their traditional foods from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Italy, Indonesia, Denmark, South Korea, and the United States, and spent some time enjoying the food and interacting with each other.

The attending alumni included Mario Garcia-Lee (entering class of 2010, CEO of Lighting Up Ventures), Leif Karlen (entering class of 2010, employed by LG Electronics), Timo Gehrke (entering class of 2013, employed by JTBC), and Kostiantyn Rogozin (entering class of 2014, employed by Samil PWC). They shared their experiences with the students by describing the fields in which they work.

"This opportunity helps me consolidate my network and get a lot of useful information, including career development, from my seniors," Rasmussen said in a short speech at the event.

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