

Global MBA Class of 2021¡¦ Taking the First Step at Yonsei
Date: 2019-08-27  |  Read: 1,186

A two-day orientation August 22-23 launched the 40 freshmen of the Global MBA, Class of 2021, on their Yonsei experience that will encompass an even broader global cultural experience than the preceding classes because of the number of nationalities represented.




Slightly more than half the class come from 16 countries — the United States, Canada, France, Germany, Morocco, China, Thailand, Spain, Guatemala, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad Tobago, Singapore, Philippine, and Malaysia, with an increased presence of students from North and Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.




Their orientation began with a welcoming speech from Dean Kil-Soo Suh. Each freshman received a gift from graduates to welcome the students and give them a quick sense of belonging to YSB. As part of their orientation, the students got comprehensive information on life in Seoul as well as essential information about campus life and academic expectations.




Time was also devoted to building a sense of solidarity among the class members with team-building exercises conducted by outside companies. Most of the exercises were conducted while hiking Ansan mountain behind the school and touring the campus. One exercise highlighted environment protection by picking up litter on Ansan mountain.



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