

Faculty & Research
YBRI Selected as the General Center for Interdisciplinary Research by the NRF
Date: 2015-02-03  |  Read: 1,121

Yonsei University Business Research Institute (Director: Prof. Donghoon Kim) has recently been designated as the general center for interdisciplinary research by the National Research Foundation (NRF).

For the next 3 years, YBRI will provide various kinds of support for nationwide researchers who conduct multidisciplinary studies. Especially, YBRI will help disseminate their research outcomes to the society in the form of products and services both in business and public sectors. In the process, the researchers can benefit from YBRI’s accumulated research experiences and the business network with industries. YBRI also aims to make interdisciplinary research more familiar to the public by advertising through mass media and by finding out real life topics continuously. YBRI anticipates that these efforts will eventually lead to the growth of interdisciplinary research in Korea. Recently, much attention from both academia and the field has been given to the value of convergence of knowledge from different disciplines that had been specialized for the last few decades.

YBRI said that the center will be the first, meaningful step of Yonsei School of Business (YSB) in contributing to the growing interdisciplinary research and practice in our country. Five professors of YSB are already involved in this pioneering plan, Donghoon Kim, Young Ryeoul Park, Seongmoon Kim, Seung-yeon Lee, Hyung Jin Kim.

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