

Faculty & Research
Professor Jee Hong Kim Becomes Professor Emeritus After 31 Years of Service.
Date: 2020-02-24  |  Read: 810

Jee Hong Kim, Professor of Accounting at Yonsei School of Business, retired into professor emeritus status at the end of February 2020 after 33 years of teaching, 31 of them at the Yonsei School of Business

Looking back on his career, he mostly rejoiced at his opportunity to teach and serve students, but he recalled as the “most glorious moment” the emergence in 2003 of YSB out of the Department of Business. The school’s evolving status and progress since then has been an especially meaningful part of his career, he said.

He also had parting advice for YSB students. He suggested they retain a “challenging spirit” while remaining open to various perspectives and developing their capabilities. And as they transition into alumni, he asked that they remember YSB and become mentors to the students who come after them. Lastly, he said, "To help Yonsei and YSB grow globally, we need all hands on deck with everyone exerting themselves, making sacrifices, and remaining dedicated."

In retirement, he said, he intends to continue to study while remaining available to teach “interpersonal relationships.”

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