

Faculty & Research
The 6th Interdisciplinary Research Seminar¡¦Alumnus Young-Jin Kim Gives Congratulatory Address
Date: 2020-02-24  |  Read: 423

The fostering of interdisciplinary research between the YSB and the College of Commerce and Economics that began in 2017 has continued with the 6th Interdisciplinary Research Seminar held in November and co-hosted by the Yonsei Business Research Institute, the Yonsei Economics Research Institute, and the Data Science Research Institute. The seminar this semester was organized by the Yonsei Business Research Institute.


In his welcoming speech, YSB Dean Kil-Soo Suh said each of the continuing seminars " is a very meaningful occasion where professors from the two colleges collaborate and present their research together." Dean Dong Chun Shin of the College of Commerce and Economics, said in his opening speech, "We hope to learn about not only academic achievements, but also what the professors are currently working on." He added, "And we hope that this cooperative system between the two colleges will be sustained."

Handok Chairman Young-Jin Kim (entering class of 1975, Business), sponsor of the Interdisciplinary Research Seminars, sent greetings to participants in the seminar in which he called the Fourth Industrial Revolution the era of technological convergence in which interdisciplinary research will direct society’s future trends. He said he hopes the YSB and the College of Commerce and Economics will create their own tradition, taking the lead in interdisciplinary research in various ways.

The seminar consisted of four sessions. All four featured research jointly produced by professors of the YSB and the College of Commerce and Economics.


- Session 1:

“What Do Millions of Repurchase Agreements Say About the Repo Market?” by YSB Finance Professor Kee-Youn Kang and Economics Professor Sangyup Choi of the College of Commerce and Economics.

- Session 2

“Text Mining for Economic Analysis” by Economics Professor Ki Young Park of the College of Commerce and Economics and Finance Professor Jin Young Shin of YSB.

- Session 3

“Prediction of Venture Firms’ Innovative Performance After IPOs” by Applied Statistics Professor Joseph H.T. Kim of the College of Commerce and Economics and YSB Finance Professor Hyun-Han Shin.

- Session 4

“Prediction of Time-Varying Clustered Bankruptcy” by YSB Finance Professor Young Ho Eom and Applied Statistics Professor Jongho Im of the College of Commerce and Economics

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