

Faculty & Research
Proceedings of Interdisciplinary Research Seminar On Fourth Industrial Revolution Likely To Be Published
Date: 2019-02-15  |  Read: 1,416

The presentations and subsequent discussions in December at the Fourth Interdisciplinary Research Seminar on the wide-ranging changes expected as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are likely to be published.


The seminars, held once a semester, are jointly organized by the Yonsei Business Research Institute, and affiliate of the YSB, the Yonsei Economic Research Institute, and the Yonsei Institute of Statistical Science, which is affiliated with the Yonsei College of Commerce and Economics. Their goal, underwritten by a 150 million won donation by Young-Jin Kim (entering class of 1975, Business), chairman of Handok, is to foster interdisciplinary research and academic exchanges between the Yonsei departments and affiliates.


"The subject selected is to see the Fourth Industrial Revolution from a wider perspective," said Young-Ho Eom, dean of Yonsei Graduate School of Business, in his welcoming speech.


 "I hope that the results of the research will lead to the publication of a general document," said Dong Cheon Shin, dean of the Yonsei College of Commerce and Economics.


Sessions 1 and 2 were led, respectively, by Hakbae Lee, director of the Yonsei Institute of Statistical Science, and Hyuck-Seung Yang, director of the Yonsei Business Research Institute. Topics in the sessions dealt with potential changes in management strategies and global industrial structures as a result of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as well as its financial and economic impacts.

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