

Faculty & Research
Professor Mooweon Rhee wins KASBA's Mid-career Scholar of Management Award
Date: 2019-02-20  |  Read: 1,167

Management Professor Mooweon Rhee of YSB has been awarded the seventh annual Middle-aged Scholar of Management Award of the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration (KASBA). The award ceremony was held February 19 at the society’s winter academic conference.


The award is given to a mid-career business scholar for outstanding contributions to the study of management and also is given to promote the study of management and continuous development of Korean business studies. Selection for the award is based on overall achievements in business administration, with a high emphasis on academic research results over the past 10 years and the publication of papers in international journals, including the frequency of citations of the publications and the impact factor associated with them.

[Right: Professor Mooweon Rhee , Left: Doo-Hee Lee, Chairperson of KASBA]

Professor Rhee said, "I specially thank the management professors and graduate students who have provided an excellent research environment and have always shared ideas and motivated each other." He added, "We will continue to work hard to meet the expectations of YSB."


Management Professor Hongseok Oh of YSB won the award in 2014.

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