

Faculty & Research
School of Business and College of Commerce and Economics Continue Seminar Series on Interdisciplinary Research
Date: 2018-08-07  |  Read: 1,209

The first Interdisciplinary Research Seminar of 2018, a series sponsored joined by the Yonsei School of Business and the College of Commerce and Economics opened on June 1. The seminar started with congratulatory speech from Young-Jin Kim (entering class of 1975, Business), chairman of Handok, who donated 150 million won to encourage such research.


Dean Young Ho Eom of the Yonsei School of Business and Dean Dong Chun Shin of the College of Commerce and Economics attended the seminar to encourage participation by the faculty.


The first session was led by Hyeuksueng Yang, director of the Yonsei Business Research Institute. In this session, Professor Seung Bum Soh (Management Science) presented his research on “Queueing System and Individual Behaviror” and Professor Jiseob Kim (Economics) presented his research on “Changes in Household Debt Repayment Vulnerability: Evidence From the United States Before and After the Global Financial Crisis.”


Hyeon-Seung Huh, director of the Yonsei Economics Research Institute, conducted the second session. It featured presentations by Professor Jong Ho Im (Applied Statistics) and Professor Kee-youn Kang (Finance), respectively, on “Robust Demand Estimation Using a Customer Choice-Based Model” and “Central Bank Purchase of Private Assets: An Evaluation.”


[Past Interdisciplinary Research Seminars]




Research Topic




Jihyun Kim

Management Strategy and Evolutionary Economics

Dae-hee Yoon

Accounting Disclosure and Market Competition


Sang Hyun Kim

Economics as Experimental Science

Applied Statistics

Sangwook Kang

Introduction and Application of Survival Analysis





Sung Joo Bae

Inverse Evolution of Technology

Byung Kyu Kim

Analysis of the Undermining Value of Delayed Consumption


Sang Hyun Kim

Introducing SIB (Social Impact Bond) as a Financing Solution for Public Issues and Risk Management

Applied Statistics

Kim Joseph H.T.

 Introduction to Extreme Value Theory


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