

Faculty & Research
Promoting Interdisciplinary Research Between YSB and College of Commerce and Economics
Date: 2018-02-06  |  Read: 1,290

YSB and the Yonsei College of Commerce and Economics conducted their second Interdisciplinary Research Seminar in December, continuing a collaboration that began in the spring semester of 2017 across the fields of business, economics, and statistics.


This relatively new undertaking grew out discussions between Hyeuksueng Yang, director of the Yonsei Business Research Institute, Jong Hee Hahn, director of the Yonsei Economic Research Institute, and Sang-Un Park, director of the Yonsei Institute of Statistical Science, with the goal of advancing even further the quality of research at Yonsei University in these fields.



Professors Sung Joo Bae (Business), Byung Kyu Kim (Business), Joo Cheol Kim (Economics) and Hyun Tae Kim (Applied Statistics) presented their research topics at the second conference, which was held at the Yonsei Business Research Institute.




Research Topic


Sung Joo Bae

Inverse Evolution of Technology

Byung Kyu Kim

Analysis of the Undermining Value of Delayed Consumption


Joo Cheol Kim

Introducing SIB (Social Impact Bond) as a Financing Solution for Public Issues and Risk Management

Applied Statistics

Hyun Tae Kim

Introduction to Extreme Value Theory


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