

Faculty & Research
Professor Hongseok Oh of Management Awarded ¡®SERI Senior Business Researcher Award¡¯ by the Korean Academic Society of Business Administration
Date: 2015-08-25  |  Read: 1,183

Yonsei University Professor Hongseok Oh of Management was awarded the SERI Senior Business Researcher Award at the 59th Korean Academic Society of Business Administration’s winter integration scientific symposium and regular general meeting held on February 27. The award is given to a senior business researcher who, for the past 10 years, has significantly contributed to business-related research with consistently outstanding academic-research results. Professor Oh is the first Yonsei University professor to receive the award since its establishment in 2012.

Professor Hongseok Oh has published his papers in globally best-rated journals (including Journal of Applied Psychology, Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Review, and Organizational Research Methods.) He also has published many papers in nationally prominent journals. The high number of times his papers have been quoted or cited by other scholars was a decisive factor in Professor Oh’s winning the award.

Professor Oh said he owed his growth as a researcher to the advice and help of his teachers, senior-juniors, and colleagues. “Even though recently there’s been an atmosphere placing great importance in quantitative short-term results,” he said, “I’m glad that I was acknowledged by the academic world for my efforts in trying to follow the fundamental principles of research. Through earning this award, I was able to look back on my first intentions, while attending graduate school and studying with an interest in social science research.” He said his plans include research to analyze, with a structural and historical perspective, the specific problems experienced by contemporary people within an organization.


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