

News Briefs
uGET Activity Report Meeting¡¦AmorePacific Project Team Wins Best Prize
Date: 2017-08-28  |  Read: 1,478

The undergraduate uGET(Global Experience Team-project), a global industry-university cooperative program, wrapped up its 13th season  on Aug. 23 with a project assessment, culminating in an awards ceremony for the top teams. Attending were six teams with 24 participating students, employees from partner firms, and YSB professors, including YSB Dean Yong Ho Eom.


Dean Yong opened the session by thanking students and their partner firms for their hard work. The partner firms later received a letter of appreciation and shared their impressions of working with their respective teams.


Students participating in the uGET 13th program conducted a project in partnership with Yonsei University Co-op Goods, the YSB Venture, Innovation & Startup Program, AmorePacific, and the Work Together Foundation. Each team received a favorable comment by suggesting a management strategy and a long-term roadmap for each research theme.


After an activity report by the six teams, there was a prize for the best team and an excellent team. These two teams were selected based on a peer evaluation among participants. The top team selected
performed a project proposed by AmorePacific. The students who participated in this project – all business students of the entering class of 2014 – were  Bo Kyung Kim, Se Jin Oh, Da Jung Lee, and Yu Jung Hwang. They conducted a project on the theme of the Maestro brand's entry into the Thai duty-free channel, and actively participated in meetings with corporate executives in Thailand.


The excellence prize went to a team that researched and proposed a social program to aid Korea’s autistic population.  Team members were Soo Yeon Shin (entering class of 14, business), Soo Min Lee (entering class of 14, business), Jae Hoon Jeon (entering class of 12, business), and Sang Woo Ha (entering class of 12, business). The team has been working on projects to improve the employment environment for autistic people in Korea and visited social workers who work with autistic and disabled persons in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium. As a result of their research, they proposed and employment model for persons across the autism spectrum and laid out a roadmap for its implementation.


People from organizations and enterprises participating in the 13th uGET project praised students for their achievements. Myung Hee Lee, head of the International Cooperation Team in the Working Together Foundation, said, "It is difficult to create a business in a social enterprise or international market. I was impressed by the students and I admire the students’ improvement."

uGET is academic-business partnership project to cultivate students’ capabilities in global market management by sending them out to local businesses and assigning projects for them to complete.

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