

News Briefs
Discussions of Networking with Global Prestigious Colleges -Boston University, Brown University
Date: 2015-08-24  |  Read: 260

In response to the increasing number of visits from overseas students, officials of several prestigious universities have visited the campus to discuss ways of networking with Yonsei School of Business.


» Visit from the Dean of Boston University Questrom School of Business

Kenneth W. Freeman, the dean of Boston University’s (hereafter, BU) Questrom School of Business, visited Yonsei School of Business on May 28 to initiate plans for cooperation between the two schools. BU, which emphasizes ethical leadership training, hopes for the realization of these values has intense interest in the Susilo Institute for Ethics in the Global Economy. Dean Freeman also discussed ways to establish a cooperative center with Yonsei School of Business. The discussion also included joint operation of non-degree programs that emphasize multinational businesspersons’ Eastern and Western concepts of ethical management. After the visit by Dean Freeman, Professor Yoo Taek Lee of BU visited to develop more definite plans for cooperation between the two schools.


»Visit from the Vice President of Brown University Strategic Initiatives

Professor Karen Sibley of Brown University, one of America’s prestigious Ivy League schools, visited Yonsei School of Business on May 14. .She is the dean of the School of Professional Studies and vice president of Strategic Initiatives. She explained in detail Brown University’s School of Professional Studies and expressed great interest in networking with Yonsei School of Business EMBA courses.


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