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Global MBA Alumnus Teaches Customized Career Workshop
Date: 2019-02-15  |  Read: 438

Eric Wan, a 2011 graduate of the Global MBA program and current co-chairman of RDI Worldwide, a human resources consulting firm, returned to campus in November to teach a customized “Strategic Career Building & Job Search” workshop for current Global MBA students.


Wan opened his workshop by soliciting written questions about employment and job searches that he proceeded to answer one by one. Some of the questions were how many internships should be undertaken, whether persons not fluent in Korean can find jobs in Korea, and how to write a résumé when changing jobs. After answering all the questions, Wan introduced the concept of a career anchor and provided an aptitude test questionnaire for those students still undecided about a career path.


He also proposed a framework called LAMP (List, Alumni, Motivation, Posting) and recommended that students systematically organize lists of the companies they wish to apply to. He also emphasized the importance of networking and introduced a conversation technique called TIARA (Trend, Insight, Advice, Resource, Assignment) to facilitate conversation at networking events and on other occasions. Finally, he advised potential job applicants to use a company’s job announcement to write a targeted résumé.


"It was great that Wan was asked questions through his memo and carefully answered them one by one," said Allyce Best, who attended the workshop. She added, "It was also satisfying to have practical, informative advice, and it was an opportunity to confirm the importance of networking once again." 


Xudong Ga, who entered in 2018, said, “It was good to receive detailed account of the characteristics of the job market in Korea from a Global MBA graduate. And because my Korean is not fluent, I realized that I could get a job in Korea by highlighting other specialties, and it helped me rough out the direction of my career."

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