

News Briefs
The joy of sharing... MBA students¡¯ volunteer activities
Date: 2019-02-15  |  Read: 471

MBA students in the Yonsei Graduate School of Business took time from their studies last fall to participate in volunteer activities.


On November 3, members of the MBA Student Association drew murals at Ahhyun Elementary School as part of an annual project designed to unite members of four different MBA programs at the school.


Many of the students who participated on the clear sunny autumn day were doing it for the second time, and some brought their families as a way to introduce them to their fellow students.

Jung-han Kim said he has always felt sorry for his wife and children because he so often comes home late from studying but the volunteer event gave him a chance to show his family that he was studying with wonderful people.


In addition, Global MBA (GMBA) students staged their own volunteer events. In one, 11 students worked on October 12 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. with the needy at a nongovernment organization.


 In the second, which occurred three times a week from October 30 to November 30, students mingled with people around subway exits to spot and translate for foreigners who were having trouble navigating the system. Thirty-one students participated in that project.


Ji-hye Bae was a volunteer in the subway project. She said, "The weather was cold, and the tourists were having a hard time recognizing the volunteers. However, seeing the happiness of tourists after receiving our help with directions was very rewarding, and I hope foreigners will have a good perception of Korea.”


A ceremony was held on Dec. 6 to present Global MBA students with certificates for their volunteer work.

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