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MBA Global Programs Operate in U.S. and Europe
Date: 2017-02-06  |  Read: 1,488

Yonsei MBA hosted two global programs over the summer semester at prominent universities in the United States and Europe as a way for students study the changing world market.


The Executive MBA program comprises Global Field Trips (GFT) I and II. GFT 1 opens during the first year and GFT II during the second. For the sixth Executive MBA students who entered in 2015, GET II was held at ESADE Business School, Barcelona, Spain, on the topic “Build a Global Mindset with a Profound Knowledge.” Thirty-eight students participated from July 2to 10.


“It was meaningful to hear from economists about Europe’s position on hot issues that have worldwide implications, such as Brexit, and to study real startup and innovation cases,” student Mijeong Hyun said.


For the seventh Executive MBA students who entered in 2016, the GFT I program was held July 17-24 at the Foster School of Business, University of Washington, Seattle, in the United States with 40 participating students. The topic was “Strategies in Leadership Development and Innovation Culture,”’ focusing on leadership and the global business environment. The program included a visit to Google and to pet care service intermediary,


 “It was an opportunity to think deeply about leadership, realizing the impact of leadership on organizational change,” Cheongi Min said. “Learning from’s highly sophisticated data analysis to reduce marketing cost and provide high quality service, it gave me a wider view of business and new ideas.”


Global Experience Trip (GET) for Corporate MBA, Finance MBA, and Global MBA students was held June 22-28 at Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, and at George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Forty-five and 26 students participated, respectively. The program at Loyola Marymount University focused on “Innovation in the Entertainment Industry” and included visits to firms in the entertainment industry, Electronic Arts, You Tube, and Machinima. “Social Entrepreneurship” was the topic at George Washington University, where the program included visits to the World Bank and the Korean War Veterans Memorial. 

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