

News Briefs
Startup Stories From Young Startup Entrepreneurs
Date: 2017-02-06  |  Read: 1,435

Speakers from three career development services — Jobplanet, Comento, and Ringle — shared their startup experiences and gave advice in November at the 22nd Creative Leadership Forum co-hosted by YSB, the Yonsei Enterprise Support Foundation, and the Brain Korea 21 Plus Team. The forum’s goal is to instill an entrepreneurial mindset among youth.


Jiyae Kim, co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Jobplanet, said she was in a slump after a career path change from the college of fine arts when she had the good fortune to meet startup partners in college who had complementary skills and a strong sense of family. As success factors in her business, she emphasized to her young audience the importance of meticulous and thorough management based on proceeding from the right hypothesis and constantly analyzing effectiveness.


Jinkyu Ha, co-founder and chief operating office of Comento, said that the death of a friend spurred him seek life’s answers and to set a goal to live “a life that contributes to equal opportunity and access to information.” His analysis concluded that job applicants are often unprepared because they lack correct information about the job market and consequently focus on unnecessary qualifications. This led him to set up Comento to provide correct information on how to prepare for a particular job by connecting job applicants with people already employed through a question-and-answer system.


Juyeong Choi, head of marketing at Ringle, spoke about the bucket list he wrote in his youth and described his work experience at a large company before he joined the startup. He said his hopes are that Ringle will help Korean youth who want to work on a global stage to realize their dreams.


After the speeches, members of the audience asked many questions about startup-related issues such as how to organize a professional startup and decision-making processes.

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