

Understanding Startups and Taking Internships at the Same Time...Startup Internship
Date: 2020-08-24  |  Read: 510

Forty-seven students completed six-week internships this summer at some of the 21 startup companies with which the Yonsei School of Business signed agreements to launch Startup 407: Startup Internships to permit students experience an internship and a startup at the same time.

The participating companies include: Globaleur, The Invention LAB, Luxrobo, Riiid, Swallaby, WELT, Tickle, Whasoomok, Social Bean, Eine Blume, SOUNDGYM, StyleShare, OMNIOUS, KIMU, Tasteshop, Finda, Supertree, Flexil, Kukka, Vendys, and Sparkplus.


 [Luxrobo Intern Dong Wook Yoo (Left), Kooka Intern Seung Hwan Chun (Right) ]

Impressed by Luxrobo's vision to improve the world with robots, Dong Wook Yoo (entering class of 2016, Business) applied for the internship program and worked in the Strategy Department of Luxrobo's Management Planning Office. During the internship, he helped with the company's current and future strategy development, preparing strategies for the company to enter the Internet-of-Things industry based on its technical assets.

 "I was able to learn a lot about the startup, its culture, and social relationships that we need to deal with while working," Yoo said. "I was able to get a glimpse of how tasks are processed,” he added. 

Seung Hwan Chun (entering class of 2018, Business) interned at Kooka, which seeks to create a culture in which everyone enjoys flowers in daily life. He performed key tasks such as drawing up new business roadmaps, and doing market research, business modeling, and operational designs for a new business model. While in charge of a new business line, he took the lead in various tasks, such as determining the brand name and slogan, analyzing questions of user interface and user experience (User interface/User experience), and designing the logistics system.

“I got a basic understanding of how a business starts and grows,” Chun said, “what risks it may face and how to tackle it. This experience will be a valuable asset for me to study business administration or start a startup myself.”


 [StyleShare Intern Hae Won Han]

Hae Won Han (entering class of 2018, Business) interned at StyleShare, working on content marketing in a new business team that operates StyleShare's recently launched online luxury goods selection shop Ours. Thanks to the corporate culture of sharing, trust, and empowerment, she worked autonomously in setting tasks and deadlines. She planned and produced various content for the official Instagram and Naver posts, targeting the MZ generations. She also composed materials for advertisements that were published on Facebook and Instagram.

"Through this,” Han said, “I learned that I should actively set up and take responsibility for what I should do, and in practice, I learned in detail that the same topic should be organized flexibly, based on the characteristics of the channel. The content should be easy to understand and impressive enough. It is important to create content with the tone and manner that matches the brand identity and brand design.”

A common opinion among the students is that the duration of the internships was too short.

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