

Art Exhibitions Promote Flexible Thinking
Date: 2016-08-23  |  Read: 1,603

 The art pieces on each floor of the YSB Building aren’t there just for their beauty — they’re part of a deliberate effort to encourage flexible thinking by students, staff, and faculty.  

 Sculptor Taesue Kim’s exhibit was in place from April 5 through July 4 in the Hyeum Creative Lounge and built around the theme of “Eco Flow.” She gave a lecture May 25 to provide insight into her work. Her theme in the show, she said, came after observing a sprout shooting up from the brick wall in front of her workplace, making her realize that the laws of universe prevailed even in places that nobody cared for. From that insight, her sculpture began to seek to reflect the flow of the ecology, or “Eco Flow,” as she tried to capture and express the messages of giving oneself to a natural flow, being grateful for everything, and celebrating the forces of nature.

 She concluded her lecture by advising students, “Rather than trying to control everything in the moments of choice you meet in life, it is important that you follow what you really like by giving yourself to the flow of the universe Never give up, whatever happens, and always have faith that the dreams you have will someday come to you naturally.”

An exhibition by Jehyun Shin began July 5. Shin uses images, publications, photos, and other artistic expressions in unraveling the personal stories and ironical nature of Korean society he has uncovered through his research. His work has been displayed in about 30 noncommercial spaces.

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