

YSB Offers New Concentration in Venture & Innovation
Date: 2017-08-22  |  Read: 652

YSB is in the second semester of its new course Concentration in Venture & Innovation. Introduced in the first semester of the 2017 school year, the curriculum’s 34 subjects are in four categories: Opportunity & Ideation; New Product Development/Technology Ventures; Entrepreneurship/Social Ventures; and Innovation Management.


To earn credits, students must fulfill the requirements for a business major and minor and must have at least 12 credits in total in the new concentration , taking at least one subject in each area. In addition, students should participate in the YSB’s startup competition and actively participate in activities such as business clubs, reflecting a program goal of integrating both curricular and extracurricular activities. Students in the entering class of 2016 are eligible for the new course concentration.


The new course concentration is an essential element in the YSB’s shift in business education toward a focus on startups and entrepreneurship. This emphasis is based on recognition that offsetting the current low-growth trends requires talented people with new ideas who can start businesses rather than talented people who can manage existing businesses well. The new concentration in venture and innovation has been benchmarked by international universities such as Aalto University in Finland and Spain's ESADE University and demonstrates expanding cooperation with those universities.

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