

Remembering Those Days¡¦Reunions Celebrate the 60th, 50th, 25th Graduation Anniversaries
Date: 2019-08-20  |  Read: 647

Memories echoed around Yongjae Hall in May as the Yonsei School of Business held a reunion celebration for the entering classes of 1955 (Commerce, 60 years), 1965 (Commerce and Business, 50 years), and 1990 (Business, 25 years). It was the first year the reunion has included 60-year alumni, a new celebration of graduates begun by Yonsei University.



Kil-Soo Suh, dean of the Yonsei School of Business, opened the celebration by welcoming the alumni back to the campus but noted that the school always tries to move forward and thanked the alumni for making that possible, especially through the donations that made its new building possible.



Eung-Gu Kwon, chairman of the entering business class of 1965, commented that “while I miss the old days, I’m proud of how far Yonsei has come. I hope all alumni will build friendships through this event and hope all alumni who couldn't come this year will be well and participate in the next reunion.”

In-Joon Park, chairman of the commerce students in 1965, said, “Thinking about the school 54 years ago, time really does seem to fly as watching its brilliantly transformed look.” He expressed his appreciation to Dean Suh and other professors and faculty members for their efforts to improve and advance the school.

Jae-Young Ryu, representing the entering class of 1990 business students, thanked the 50th anniversary seniors who are active and vibrant and the professors who taught them.



The alumni also heard from some of their former teachers. Kee-YoungKim, professor emeritus of Operation Management, recalled “the time when the entering class of 1965 came to school was a time when we were most proud of our school,” and added, “I hope the alumni speak proudly of their alma mater and always support her.”

Se-Cheol Oh, professor emeritus of Management, said he “was very close to the students who were entering class of 1965. It's very nice to see you again," he said, recalling his memories of making poetry books or taking outdoor classes with the students.

Ku-Hyun Jung, professor emeritus of Marketing, expressed delight at seeing his former students, saying, “I started teaching at YSB in 1978, and I think I have been called upon to say hello to my students from entering class of 1990.” He told them he hoped they “will be interested in the research development of the university, which is the main driving force for economic growth."



Each chairman of the class presented their teachers with a gift. Dean Suh expressed special thanks the retired professors, some of whom were visiting the campus after long absences, for their attendance and participation. He also gave the alumni and other members of the audience a presentation that outlined a vision of the future of the school, now globally ranked, in which it will emphasize innovative education directed toward recruiting and nurturing talented individuals to fully participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.


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