

Faculty & Research
Prof. Seongmoon Kim and his students, Hongseon Kim and Jongbin Jung, Receive Best Paper Award from KORMS
Date: 2017-02-06  |  Read: 638

YSB Professor Seongmoon Kim of Operations Research and his students Hongseon Kim and Jongbin Jung received the Best Paper Award at the 2016 fall conference of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society (KORMS). Their paper was “Optimal Portfolio Estimation Model Based on Euclidean Distance”


KORMS selects one -best paper each year from a pool of submitted papers. The 2016 conference was held in October at the KAIST College of Business, Seoul campus, on the topic “Management Science and Analytics for Creative Innovation”.


After receiving his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Yonsei, Hongseon Kim is in the ninth semester of the Ph.D. program. Jongbin Jung finished his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Yonsei and is currently enrolled in the Ph.D. program for Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University. Professor Seongmoon Kim has taught at YSB since 2005. His research interests include operations research, health service management, and financial engineering.


“It is an honor to receive the best paper award from the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society. It will be taken as encouragement to put more effort into research and produce better papers. Special thanks to my advisor, Prof. Seongmoon Kim and colleagues for all their support and to YSB for providing a good environment to study,” Hongseon Kim said in receiving the award. 

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