

News Briefs
Yonsei-CMC Leadership Program, 5 Weeks of Special Residential Program
Date: 2017-02-02  |  Read: 521

Held annually since 2011, this year’s five-week Yonsei-Claremont McKenna College (CMC) Summer Leadership Program ?AGAIN? received favorable reviews from participants. The program was developed through an agreement between Yonsei and (CMC) to select 10 students each to live as roommates at Yonsei to establish an international network.


“My English skills improved greatly in the last five weeks of living with CMC students as roommates,” Chiwon Seo (entering class of 2011, Business) said. He applied for the program on the recommendation a friend who had participated the year before. “Living with friends from diverse backgrounds served as a good opportunity to learn from each other,” he added, saying he would recommend this program to friends at Yonsei.


The participants were provided with special lectures from professors of each university, a visiting program to Korean firms, and a field trip to Hong Kong. As for the special lectures, professors and students were able to interact closely in small class settings and communication between students was also vibrant thanks to team projects and class discussions.


“This is the best part of the program and team projects brought our teammates together after class and helped us become acquainted with each other,” CMC student Ryan Chamak said. “The lectures provided an understanding of Korean history, and there is much to learn from hardworking Korean people who achieved economic development.”


Both Chiwon Seo and Ryan Chamak picked the field trip to Hong Kong as the most memorable event in the program. A trip to Hong Kong, Asia’s economic center, allowed students to develop an international perspective and an opportunity to become closer to each other. “Meeting with practitioners in the field in Hong Kong encouraged me to extend my dream globally and gave me assurance that it is possible,” Chiwon Seo said.

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