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  • An adaptively managed dynamic portfolio selection model using a time-varying investment target according to the market forecast, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.66, No.7   


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  • When can women close the gap? A meta-analytic test of sex differences in performance and rewards, Academy of Management Journal, Vol.58, No.5  


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  • Corporate Social Responsibility in International Business: Illustrations from Korean and Japanese Electronics MNEs in Indonesia, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.129, No.3   
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  • Who Overreacts to Overnight News? Empirical Evidence from the Korean Stock Market, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.44, No.2   


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  • Third-party mobile app developers' continued participation inplatform-centric ecosystem: An empirical investigation of two different mechanisms, International Journal of Information Management, Vol.26   
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  • Do Industry Specialist Auditors Add Value In Mergers And Acquisitions?, Journal of Applied Business Research, Vol.31, No.4   
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  • Comparative Analysis of the Use of Mobile Microblogging and Nonmobile Online Message Board for Group Collaboration, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol.19, No.4   
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  • Korea as a comparative business marketing system, Journal of business to business marketing, Vol.21, No.4   


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  • Inverse Chromatic number problems in interval and permutation graphs, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, Vol.243, No.3   
  • Inventory Changes With Information Asymmetry And Informed Trading Patterns In The Korean Stock Market, Journal of Applied Business Research (JABR), Vol.31, No.2   


  • Corporate Social Responsibility in International Business: Illustrations from Korean and Japanese Electronics MNEs in Indonesia, Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.129, No.3   
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  • Who overreacts to overnight news?: Empirical Evidence from the Korean Stock Market, Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies, Vol.44, No.2 


  • When Buyer-Driven Knowledge Transfer Activities Really Work: A Motivation-Opportunity-Ability Perspective, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Á¦51±Ç Á¦3È£
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