

Faculty & Research
Professor Sebum Park receives Best Paper Award from Korean Society of Consumer Studies
Date: 2016-08-23  |  Read: 638

 The Korean Society of Consumer Studies has recognized Yonsei School of Business Marketing Professor Sebum Park with its 2015 Consumer Studies Best Paper Award. The award was made in April based on a paper submitted to the society’s conference in fall 2015.

 Consumer Studies is an academic journal published four times a year by the society. His paper is titled “Category Effects Versus Ranking Effects: Interpreting Decision Making Differences of Giving Gifts to Others or Using for Oneself.” Ph.D. Doyeon Kim, a graduate of Yonsei School of Business, is co-author of the paper.   Professor Sebum Park praised his co-author. “I attribute this glory to Dr. Doyeon Kim who completed this paper while enduring the especially long doctor’s course and also would like to thank the late Professor Moonkyu Kim for instructing Dr. Doyeon Kim before me.”

 Ph.D. Kim said, “I want to thank my instructor, Professor Sebum Park, for guiding me with my paper and also for teaching me the methods and the joy of research.”

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