

Faculty & Research
Professors Daeryun Chang and Sunmee Choi Have New Course on Coursera, the World¡¯s Largest Platform of Open Online Courses
Date: 2016-08-23  |  Read: 1,726

 YSB Professors Daeryun Chang and Sunmee Choi have opened their course on “International Marketing & Cross Industry Growth” on Coursera, the world’s largest platform of open online courses.

 “Last year’s experience with an ‘International Marketing in Asia’ course for eight months has been very helpful in opening the new business course,” said Professor Chang. He said Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) “have the potential to be effective in instructing people today who are apt at multitasking as long as its quantity and quality is sufficient and the delivery is edifying.”

 Professor Chang’s course last year was viewed by people from about 200 nations. The viewers left numerous comments in the discussion section. “The comment explaining the history of Ssangyong Motor Company’s marketing in El Salvador was very interesting because it was new to me,” Professor Chang said. “Many viewers left comments on how ‘Noon Nopi,’ my definition of marketing and one of the key terms in my lecture, would apply in their national context. This is the advantage of cloud sourcing.”

 “From my experience as vice president for international affairs, I realized the need to globalize higher education,” said Professor Choi. “I am excited to join leaders who are globalizing higher education as I open a new course in Coursera, and I feel nervous to think that people around the world — places I have never been to — are listening to my lecture.” She added, “I thank Professor Daeryun Chang, whom I respect for always pursuing new opportunities, for suggesting and encouraging me to lecture on Coursera.”

 The new course consists of six sequential lectures. Two of them, “Introduction to International Marketing” and “International Marketing Entry and Execution,” are currently open for viewers. “The in-depth lectures will cover how a firm can overcome the stagnation of the domestic market through marketing and realize new growth, and how a firm can find a concept of new growth when entering a new industry,” the professors said.

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