[제 10호 뉴스레터]
ISSUE | 해외 우수 교수로 포진한 MBA 겨울 학기

연세 MBA는 매년 여름, 겨울 해외 우수 대학의 유명 교수들을 초빙하여 정규 강의를 실시하고 있다. 2007년 겨울 학기에는 Columbia Business School을 비롯하여, IESE, Ohio Bowling Green State University, Rutgers University에 재직 중인 교수들을 초빙하여 강의를 할 예정이며, 겨울 학기는 2007.12.31일부터 2008.2.23일 까지 이다.

초빙 교수 약력 및 강의 과목
Bernd Schmitt
Brand Experience Management
Professor of Business at Columbia Business School in New York and the Executive Director of the Center on Global Brand Leadership with offices at Columbia Business School, the University of Munich, ESADE in Barcelona, and the University of Hong Kong

Kimio Kase
Corporate Strategy
IESE Business School's faculty as professor of general management. An expert on Japanese business practices, Prof. Kase focuses his research on Asian business developments, and is working in the area of strategy at the corporate level

Richard McFarland
Sales Force Management
Kansas State University Business School, Associate Professor of Marketing

Hun Lee
Competitive Dynamics
George Mason University School of Management

Lin Chen
Business Statistics
American University of Beirut Visiting Scholar, Harvard University Visiting Scholar

Dilip K. Ghosh
Business Statistics Business Statistics
Professor of Finance at Rutgers University and serves as Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange Chair Professor of Finance at Universiti Utara, Malaysia. He is also the editor of the International Journal of Finance.

Chan K. Hahn
Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Management
The NAPM Professor of Purchasing Management at Bowling Green State University

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